Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh you crazy runners...

Your new training plan for the PV Half will begin Monday, February 1st...what a perfect day to start something!  Because I'll do the whole 15 weeks at once, I'll probably just e-mail it out (look for it by Sunday evening), so if you don't get it, I don't have your address.

Also, since so many seem interested in Red Rock, let's start committing now, see how many of the 12 we've got (and you can run with fewer--some people will just have to do an extra leg).  And Megan....are you SURE that the running thing isn't a less crazy choice than the road you're contemplating?? :)!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

What's next?

We know what is next for Kate: A new baby!

But what is next for all of us? Are you interested in continuing to train together? I am able to run again, but I really need the social pressure in order to be successful. Plus I think it is just more fun and a great escape to be with all of you.

Please share your thoughts in the comments:
1. do you want to continue to train together, and when would you like to start up again?
2. what kind of training do you want to do?
3. what are the upcoming races you are interested in? Short, long, anything is good.
4. shall we open this up again for any and all to join, including friends from school and neighborhood?
5. What other ideas do you have?

Please reply soon so we can make some plans! Thanks!

P.S. Jenilee and I are hosting a baby shower for Kate at my house on Tuesday. 7:30. Be there or be square.

Sunday, January 10, 2010



You guys were awesome. And totally inspiring. Who is up for more running? What's that you say, you want a week off?

I think you've earned it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Countdown to the Big Race...

  • Wear sweats/jacket over your running outfit...ditch them just before the race. This will help keep you and your muscles warm, so they're less shocked when you start running. If you don't have someone to give them to, I'll take them.
  • Do NOT wear something for the first time on race day...risk of chaffing, etc.
  • Make sure your shoes don't have too mnay miles on them. If you need to buy new shoes, get them ASAP and do your final runs in walking around the house in them (even better if it's w/o socks).
  • Know that you might be cold in the morning, but you will get warmed up in no time running 13.1 miles! So, no long sleeves or pants.

Race Day Tummy

  • Allow yourself time to go to the bathroom a few times before the race starts. I prefer to save only one of these time at the race (port-a-potties are rough for me). Note that there are usally lines, so budget your time wisely.
  • Be sure to eat a usual pre-long run breakfast, with enough digestion time. You should have been practicing this routine on your Saturday runs.
  • Lena: I just now saw your comment about your tummy issues...I'm going to look into it...

"Carbo" Loading

  • You don't really need to go crazy with this. Although, if you don't eat many carbs normally, eat some whole wheat bread/pasta a few times during the week. "Carb loading" actually happens the week prior, not the night before.


  • The more important night of sleep for you will be Thursday. You tend to be a little nervous/excited the night before the race, so you can't rely on Friday night to get your body rested.
  • Be sure to be hydrating throughout this week...Saturday morning is too late!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I'm inviting all my runners to a pre-race dinner Friday night.  I sent out an evite...if you didn't get it, please e-mail me, so I can send it to you.

More substantive posts to come ASAP...I promise!

Heard you guys had a good run this morning...jealous I can only waddle around now :(.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Weeks 15 and 16: The Final Weeks!

Wow...can you believe you've made it to the last two weeks?  Well, here you are...the sweet "taper" time where your body gets rested up for the big race.  Look forward to posts throughout these weeks to help you get even more ready for January 9th.  


Monday, December 28th: 4 miles
Tuesday, December 29th: 3 mile tempo
Wednesday, December 30th: REST
Thursday, December 31st: 3 miles
Friday, January 1st: 2 miles
Saturday, January 2nd: 5 miles

Total mileage: 17 miles


Monday, January 4th: 2 miles...with 4 1:00 minute pick-ups (like a tempo pace)
Tuesday, January 5th: REST
Wednesday, January 6th: 3 miles...with 5-6 :30 pick-ups
Thursday, January 7th: REST
Friday, January 8th: 2 miles--NO CORE WORK
Saturday, January 9th: RACE DAY!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good luck through the holidays....

Vacationing and holiday revelry often threaten to derail anyone's training.  But you've worked far too hard to let these next couple weeks throw you off, right? :)  And know that nothing makes you look or feel tougher than getting a run in when everyone else is lazing about eating snacks.*  So keep up that training!!

*this is not to say you can't'll just be doing so with a lot less guilt! :)